Replication definitions for primary tables in DB2 for z/OS

The Replication Agent for DB2 UDB for z/OS Use_repdef configuration parameter controls whether the Replication Agent sends Log Transfer Language (LTL) that contains only the columns specified in a replication definition, or all of the columns in the DB2 UDB primary table.

When the value of the Use_repdef parameter is set to N, the Replication Agent sends LTL with data for all of the columns in the DB2 UDB primary table. When the value of the Use_repdef parameter is set to Y, the Replication Agent sends LTL with data for only the columns specified in the replication definition.

By sending data for only the columns needed for the replication definition, network traffic is reduced, which may improve performance.

If you set the value of Use_repdef to Y, you can use other parameters, such as suppress_col_names, to enhance Replication Agent performance. See the Replication Agent for DB2 UDB Installation Guide.

The LTL_table_col_case parameter controls the case in which the Replication Agent sends table and column names to Replication Server. The default in DB2 is uppercase. However, with this parameter you can change the table and column names to uppercase, lowercase, or keep the names as defined in DB2.

Names of tables can conflict with reserved words in Replication Server or the target database. To preserve the table name, you can use “with primary table named” and “with replicate table named” clauses. However, you can have Replication Agent for DB2 change the table name prior to sending the LTL to Replication Server by using the REPLICATE_NAME option in the LTMOBJECTS table. See the “DB2 table names and reserved keywords” section in Chapter 3, “Replication Agent Setup” of the Replication Agent for DB2UDB User and Troubleshooting Guide.