Materialization overview

Materialization is a process of creating and activating subscriptions and copying data from a primary database to a replicate database, thereby initializing the replicate database.

Before you can replicate data from a primary database, you must set up and populate each replicate database so that the replicate objects (such as tables) are in a state consistent with those in the primary database.

Types of materialization

Two types of subscription materialization are supported by Replication Server:

For more information about subscription materialization methods, see the Replication Server Administration Guide.

Heterogeneous materialization issues

To materialize subscriptions to primary data in a non-Sybase data server, you may use a bulk materialization or automatic materialization, if it applies. With bulk materialization methods, you must coordinate and manually perform the following activities:

Bulk materialization options

There are two bulk materialization options for subscriptions to primary data in a non-Sybase database: