Starting Historical Server

In order to enable Historical Server to send it’s monitoring data to an Adaptive Server database, you must specify the following:

The target Adaptive Server and database for the historical data must be available when Historical Server is started.

The command line syntax is:

histserver -U<user name> 
- P<password> -D<output dir>
-l<log file> -I<interfaces file>
[-d<delimiter>] [-O<ASE name>] [-o<DATABASE name>] [-f ] 
-u<outputASE user name> - p<outputASEpassword>

You must have access to Historical Server and update permissions to the target database.

In the following example, the -O and -o parameters are specified and the output database is called hs_monitoring:

$SYBASE/ASE-12_5/bin/histserver -D$SYBASE -Sajax_hs 
-l$SYBASE/ajax_hs.log -Usa -Pnorthstar -Oajax 