
Open ServerConnect supports a wide range of datatypes. These datatypes, named TDSxxx, are compatible with DB2 datatypes, Client-Library datatypes, and DB-Library datatypes.

When either the Open ServerConnect or the Japanese Conversion Module (JCM) receives a client request, it automatically converts some DB-Library and Client-Library datatypes to Open ServerConnect datatypes. When either returns results to the client, it converts them back. See the conversion tables in the “Comments” sections of the reference pages in Chapter 3, “Functions” to find the datatype conversions performed by specific functions.

For most datatypes, Open ServerConnect or the JCM does workstation-to-mainframe and character set translations when retrieving incoming requests, then translates the datatypes back to workstation datatypes before returning results. For binary datatypes, both pass the data through. The section “Binary and decimal datatypes” indicates which datatypes are passed through without translation.