Tracing properties

Tracing properties control whether DB2 access service data is written to the server trace file. For detailed information about the server trace file, see the Enterprise Connect Data Access and Mainframe Connect Server Administration Guide.

The subsection heading and the properties must appear in the service library configuration file as: {Tracing}

TraceEvents TraceHostCom TraceInterface TraceTarget

Because tracing degrades performance, use tracing only when Sybase Technical Support instructs you to configure specific tracing properties.

WARNING! To provide Sybase Technical Support with all necessary data, the server trace file is allocated a maximum of 20MB of space. When the server trace file exceeds the maximum, it is copied to a file with the same file name and with an “_old” extension (<filename>_old). See the Enterprise Connect Data Access and Mainframe Connect Server Administration Guide for suggestions for deleting or backing up old log and trace files.