alter...modify owner


Transfers the ownership of database objects from one owner to another.


alter { object_type | all } [owner.]{object_name | * }
	modify owner
	{ name_in_db | loginame only login_name } 
	[ preserve permissions ] 



the type of object whose ownership is to be explicitly transferred. Specify one of the following object types:

  • table – user tables and proxy tables

  • view – views

  • procedure – stored procedures

  • function – user-defined functions

  • default – defaults defined separately from the creation of tables

  • rule – rules

  • type – user-defined datatypes

  • encryption key – encryption keys


all permitted object types. When specified as all owner.*, the ownership of all permitted objects owned by the specified owner are transferred. When specified as all owner.object_name, the ownership of permitted objects with name object_name owned by the specified owner are transferred.


indicates the current owner of the object which is determined by the owner’s database user ID (uid). Specifying owner is optional when the user is transferring the ownership of objects owned by themselves. Ownership of objects in the sysobjects table are associated with the owner’s login name and uid.


indicates the name of the object in which the ownership is to be transferred. An attempt to transferred the ownership of an object with object_name set to the same owner results in an error message.


all objects owned by owner and specified by object_type . When object_type is all, all objects owned by owner are transferred. When owner is the database owner, * is not allowed.


the database user name of the new owner to whom the ownership transfered. The user specified by name_in_db must be an existing user and cannot be a guest, role, group, or an alias.

loginame only login_name

transfers only the loginame field in sysobjects of objects involved to login_name. login_name must be a valid login in the syslogins table.

preserve permissions

indicates whether or not to preserve explicitly granted or revoked permissions on the objects whose ownership are being transferred:

  • When specified – all explicitly granted or revoked permissions on the objects are preserved and the grantor of the permissions is changed to the new owner.

    For example, bill granted select permission on table bill_table to mark with grant option. Mark then granted select permission on table bill_table to john. If the ownership of the table is then transferred to eric with preserve permissions specified, mark and john will retain their permission on bill_table.

  • When not specified – all existing explicitly granted and revoked permissions on the objects are removed from the system, and as a result, rows in the sysprotects table that correspond to the object are deleted.

Implicit permissions on objects are not preserved for previous owners. New owners will acquire all implicit permissions.

For example, bill is the owner of bill_table and possesses the implicit alter, delete, insert, references, select, and update permissions and explicit decrypt permission on bill_table. After an ownership transfer to eric with preserve permission specified, bill will only retain decrypt permission on bill_table.


Example 1

Transfers ownership of the table named to eric:

alter table
    modify owner eric

Example 2

Transfers ownership of the view named bill.vw_author_in_ca to eric without removing all existing explicitly granted permissions:

alter view bill.vw_author_in_ca
    modify owner eric
    preserve permissions 

Example 3

Transfers ownership of all tables owned by bill to eric:

alter table bill.* 
    modify owner eric 

Example 4

Transfers ownership of all objects owned by bill to eric:

alter all bill.*
    modify owner eric 

Example 5

The command fails when the new owner cindy already owns an table named cindy.publisher.

alter table bill.publisher
    modify owner cindy

Example 6

An error results when an attempt is made to transfer the ownership of bill.publisher to cindy because bill.publisher is not a stored procedure.

alter procedure bill.publisher
    modify owner cindy


Implicit Transfer of Objects

The ownership of the following dependant objects is implicitly transferred when the ownership of the objects they depend on have been transferred:

Objects in System Databases

Caution should be use when transferring ownership of objects in the following system databases: sybsecurity, sybsystemdb, model, sybsystemprocs, sybsyntax, dbccdb, and tempdb.

Do not transfer ownership of system objects supplied and managed by Sybase, such as but not limited to, user tables with spt_ prefix, system stored procedures with the sp_ prefix, and monitor tables. Doing so can render the system database unusable.

Encryption Keys

Transfer of encryption keys to an owner who owns a copy of the key is not allowed and the command will fail.

Changing the owner of encryption keys does not effect the assignees of the encryption key copies.

Precomputed Result Set

You cannot use the alter ... modify owner command to change the owner of a precomputed result set. To change the owner, drop the precomputed result set and re-create with the new owner.


ANSI SQL – Compliance level: Transact-SQL extension.


The permission checks for alter... modify owner differ based on your granular permissions settings.

Granular permissions enabled

With granular permissions enabled, you must have the alter any object owner privilege for objects other than encryption key.

Only encryption key owners or user with the following privilege (based on encryption key type) can transfer the encryption key ownership:

  • column encryption key – manage column encryption key

  • master key – manage master key

  • service key – manage service key

The database users (with alter any object owner privilege) who are explicitly or implicitly aliased to the database owner are not allowed to transfer the ownership of objects they concretely own. An object is identified as concretely owned by the database owner if it includes database owner user ID for the value of sysobjects.uid, and NULL or the database owner’s login name for the value of sysobjects.loginame.

Granular permissions disabled

With granular permissions disabled:

  • System security officer (SSO) users are allowed to use this command to transfer the ownership of objects.

  • Only SSO users and encryption key owners can transfer the encryption key ownership.

  • Database owner (DBO) users and users who are explicitly or implicitly aliased to the DBO are allowed to transfer the ownership of objects with a type other than encryption keys with the following restrictions:

    • Database owners are not allowed to transfer the ownership of objects they concretely own. An object is identified as concretely owned by the database owner if it includes DBO_UID for the value of sysobjects.uid, and NULL or the database owner’s login name for the value of sysobjects.loginame.

    • The functionality of transferring the ownership of multiple objects in one command is disabled for safety reasons and the transfer of DBO objects must be in the form of dbo.object_name.


Values in event and extrainfo columns of sysaudits are:


Audit option

Command or access audited

Information in extrainfo



alter .. modify owner

  • Roles – current active roles

  • Keywords or options – One of:

    • USER TYPE owner.obj_name – if you are changing user-defined types’ ownership

    • NEW OWNERname_in_db

    • PRESERVE PERMISSIONS – if the option is specified

    • NEW LOGINAMElogin_name, if LOGINAME ONLY login_name is specified

  • Previous value – NULL

  • Current value – NULL

  • Other information – NULL

  • Proxy information – original login name, if set proxy is in effect