delete statistics


Removes statistics from the sysstatistics system table.


delete [shared] statistics table_name
	[partition data_partition_name] 
	[(column_name[, column_name] ...)]



removes simulated statistics information from sysstatistics in the master database.


removes statistics for all columns in the table.


deletes all statistics for the data partition. Global statistics are not deleted.


removes statistics for the specified column.


Example 1

Deletes the densities, selectivities, and histograms for all columns in the titles table:

delete statistics titles

Example 2

Deletes densities, selectivities, and histograms for the pub_id column in the titles table:

delete statistics titles (pub_id)

Example 3

Deletes densities, selectivities, and histograms for the smallsales partition of the titles table:

delete statistics titles partition smallsales

Example 4

Deletes densities, selectivities, and histograms for pub_id, pubdate, without affecting statistics on the single-column pub_id or the single-column pubdate:

delete statistics titles (pub_id, pubdate)

Example 5

Deletes densities, selectivities, and histograms for the column pub_id and for the data partition smallsales:

delete statistics titles partition smallsales (pub_id)



ANSI SQL – Compliance level: Transact-SQL extension.


The permission checks for delete statistics differ based on your granular permissions settings.

Granular permissions enabled

With granular permissions enabled, you must be the table owner, or a user with delete statistics permission.

Granular permissions disabled

With granular permissions disabled, you must be the table owner, a user with sa_role, or a user with delete statistics permission..

delete statistics permission an be granted or transferred to anyone by table owner or system administrator.

See also

Commands create index, grant, revoke, update

Utilities optdiag