Obtaining the Number of Rows Affected

DB-Library’s DBCOUNT returns the number of rows affected by the current server command. DBCOUNT is called in the dbresults loop, after all rows are retrieved (if any).

In Client-Library, ct_res_info(CS_ROW_COUNT) returns the number of rows affected by the current server command. As with DBCOUNT, the ct_res_info gives a row count of -1 when the command is one that never affects rows.

The following fragment demonstrates the use of ct_res_info to get a row count. This fragment executes in the ct_results loop, under the case where result_type is CS_CMD_DONE:

CS_INT rowcount;
ret = ct_res_info(cmd, CS_ROW_COUNT, (CS_VOID *)&rowcount,
                 CS_UNUSED, NULL);
EXIT_ON_FAIL(context, ret, "ct_res_info(CS_ROW_COUNT) failed.");
if (rowcount != -1)
  printf(“(%ld rows affected)\n”, rowcount);

DBCOUNT and ct_res_info(CS_ROW_COUNT) are nearly equivalent, both returning the number of rows affected by the current command. There is one important difference in behavior when the current command is one that executes a stored procedure:

If your DB-Library application depends logically on DBCOUNT’s behavior after executing a stored procedure, then you must change the program logic when converting the application to Client-Library.