Schema Inconsistency

Materialization problems can result from schema inconsistencies at the primary database, Replication Server, and the replicate database. Error messages that identify these problems are reported in the replicate Replication Server error log.

Conflicting Table or View in the Primary or Replicate Database

A table or view with the same name and columns as the replication definition has been created at the primary or replicate database. If you have created custom function strings, make sure they match the replicate table at the replicate database.

This can cause errors at the primary database as a result of executing select during subscription materialization.

At the replicate database, this may cause errors when the Data Server Interface attempts to apply transactions in the materialization queue. Some transactions, depending on the error action assignments, may be rejected and placed into the exceptions log.

Missing rs_select Function String

If the primary database does not use one of the system-provided function-string classes (rs_sqlserver_function_class, rs_default_function_class, rs_db2_function_class) or a function-string class that is a child of rs_default_function_class or rs_db2_function_class, make sure there are function strings for the rs_select function that match the where clause of the create subscription or define subscription command.

The Replication Definition or Replicate Table Column length is Too Short

Make sure column lengths are long enough in the replication definition and replicate table.