Materialization Process

Materialization creates and activates subscriptions, and copies data from a primary database to a replicate database.

When publication subscriptions are materialized atomically, nonatomically, or incrementally, only one article subscription is processed at a time. When publication subscriptions are materialized using the bulk or no materialization methods, all article subscriptions are processed together.

If, when you are materializing a new subscription, there are other materializing or dematerializing subscriptions for the same replication definition and replicate database, the new subscription is assigned a Pending status (the recovering column in rs_subscriptions is set to 2). If you execute check subscription, the subscription’s status is returned as Pending at the replicate Replication Server and Invalid at the primary Replication Server.

If the primary Replication Server System Database (RSSD) is unavailable or any other problems occur, the recovering column in rs_subscriptions is set to 1 to denote that the subscription requires recovery.

Subscriptions with a Pending status are processed one at a time, in the order entered. The request_date column in the rs_subscriptions table indicates the time the subscription request was entered.