Loading of Connector Factory Failed

The factory library being loaded is missing or its name has changed.


The message written in the Replication Server error log is similar to:
T. 2010/02/04 10:32:08. (22): Loading of Connector
   factory library [libsybora.dll] failed. Error=[126].


On UNIX, the message describes the error in detail.

On Microsoft Windows, the error information is described in the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site. To search for the error description in the MSDN Web site:
  1. Go to http://msdn.microsoft.com and search for “system error codes.”
  2. Look for the error code description in the “System Error Codes” page.


Ensure that the connector library is available in the directories defined in PATH (Windows) or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (UNIX).