Incorrect Case of Server Name in the sql.ini file

Using the incorrect case for the server name in sql.ini causes the RM plug-in to display odd results.


Although the database is participating in replication, the connection folder is empty; replication definition and subscription folders do not appear.


On UNIX, Open Client connectivity is case-sensitive; however, on Windows, it is not. The RM plug-in cannot ignore case when it is issuing commands.


Verify that the server names in the sql.ini file used by the plug-in use the same case-sensitivity as the the server.

On the Replication Server RSSD, execute: To diagnose, do a on the Replication Server RSSD.

The exact name of the server and database are compared to that used in the RM plug-in to determine if a database participates in replication. If the server or database name does not match, the RM plug-in reports that the server/database is not not currently participating in replication from this Replication Server.