Replication Monitoring Services Problems

The Replication Monitoring Services (RMS) is a middle-tier monitoring layer that monitors the status of the servers and components in the replication environment. It also provides information to troubleshoot problems and the commands to fix these problems.

The RMS is implemented using the Sybase Unified Agent Framework (UAF). The UAF provides flexible and extensible service-oriented approach to manage distributed resources. It provides common services and interfaces for development and deployment of agent plug-ins like RMS.

The RMS provides a tracing feature to assist the user when troubleshooting problems. When you use this feature, information about the internal workings of the RMS is written to the RMS log file. The user controls the type of information that is logged by setting trace flags in the RMS. For information on the RMS trace commands and a complete list of the trace flags, see the Replication Server Reference Manual.

UAF and RMS Error Logs

Both the RMS and the UAF write errors, warnings, and informational messages to log files. Review the following log files when you are troubleshooting issues in the RMS:
  • UAF log file: $SYBASE/UAF-2_5/log/agent.log

  • RMS log file: $SYBASE/UAF-2_5/plugins/com.sybase.rms/logs/rms.log

For more information on RMS, see the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1.