Invalid Permissions

The RepAgent user must have connect source permission for the Replication Server.

RepAgent error 9211 is displayed in the Adaptive Server error log if the user permission is invalid:
00:00000:00024:2006/06/23 14:44:45.12 server
RepAgent(4): Received the following error message from
the Replication Server: Msg 37024. CONNECT SOURCE
permission is required to execute command..
00:00000:00024:2006/06/23 14:44:45.24 server  Error:
9261, Severity: 20, State: 0
00:00000:00024:2006/06/23 14:44:45.27 server
RepAgent(4): This Rep Agent Thread is aborting due to
an unrecoverable communications or Replication Server
00:00000:00024:2006/06/23 14:44:45.27 server  Rep Agent
Thread for database 'westRS_RSSD' (dbid = 4) terminated
abnormally with error. (major 92, minor 61)