Replication problems

Replication consists of copying data operations, such as updating or deleting data, from a primary database to the destination database. Replication begins after a subscription has been successfully materialized. Replication problems occur when data is changed at a primary database but not at the destination database.

You can find that a replication problem exists by observing that data is not replicating to a destination database or by hearing from someone that their application is retrieving incorrect data from a destination database.

If you are monitoring the replication system, you might directly observe that data is not replicating to a destination database. Use rs_subcmp to determine which subscription is not being replicated.

You should consider that a replication problem may exist if someone reports that their client application retrieved incorrect data from a destination database. Compare the primary and destination tables; if they are the same, then data is being replicated correctly. There is probably a problem with the client application that is causing incorrect data to be displayed in the client application. If data is not the same at the primary and destination databases, replication is failing, and you must troubleshoot the replication system.

Some symptoms of a replication problem directly identify the cause; other symptoms require more investigation to find the underlying cause. These symptoms can be organized into the following types in order of the most common first:

Some symptoms are displayed as error messages in the Replication Server and Adaptive Server error logs. Use the diagnostic tools to identify replication problem symptoms. For more information about replication problems, see “Troubleshooting replication failures”.