Using sysadmin dump_queue

The sysadmin dump_queue command dumps the contents of a Replication Server stable queue to the Replication Server log, an alternate log file, the client, or to tables in the RSSD. You can examine the dump to see the messages in the stable queue. This may help you to identify and reapply transactions that have not been applied or applied incorrectly to the replicate database.

Here is the syntax for the sysadmin dump_queue command:

sysadmin dump_queue, q_number, q_type, seg, blk, cnt [,RSSD | client]

q_number, q_type – identifies the stable queue to dump. Examine the output of the admin who command or the admin who, sqm command to find these values.

seg – identifies the starting segment. If set to -1, the starting segment is the first active segment in the queue. If set to -2, the starting segment is the first segment in the queue and includes any inactive segments retained by setting a save interval.

blk – identifies the 16K block in the segment where the dump is to begin. Block numbering starts at 1 and ends at 64. The following two additional options are used with the seg setting:

cnt – specifies the number of blocks to dump. This number can span multiple segments. If set to -1, the end of the current segment is the last block dumped. If set to -2, the end of the queue is the last block dumped.

RSSD – optional flag that forces the output to system tables in the RSSD. If you use this option, insert a comma before it. Sending output to the RSSD is the slowest option.

client – optional flag that forces the output to the client that is issuing this command.

If you do not specify the RSSD or client option, the output will go into the Replication Server log. If you use the sysadmin dump_file command to specify an alternative log file for dumping queues, the output will go into the alternate dump file.