Upgrading Backup Server

You can upgrade Backup Server after you upgrade Adaptive Server. The procedures for upgrading Backup Server are similar. XP Server does not have a formal upgrade process.

  1. If you are upgrading during the initial server installation, select:
    • Upgrade Existing Servers from the drop-down menu when the installer prompts Build
    • Upgrade Adaptive Server and Backup Servers.
    This launches the sqlupgrade utility. Click OK.
  2. If you are upgrading after the initial installation, start the sqlupgrade utility from the command line. Enter:
  3. Click OK when you see a warning message.
  4. Enter the old Sybase directory and the old Adaptive Server directory.
  5. Select the server to upgrade, and click OK.
  6. Enter the system administrator password, and click OK.
  7. When the upgrade is complete, you see Done in the Status Output window. Click OK.
  8. In the sqlupgrade window, either upgrade another server, or click Exit to leave the utility.