Upgrading Interactively Using sqlupgrade

Use the interactive sqlupgrade tool to upgrade Adaptive Server using an X-Windows or Motif GUI.


Set the OLDSYBASE_ASE variable to the SYBASE_ASE appropriate to your older server. If you are upgrading from 12.5 for example, OLDSYBASE_ASE should be ASE-12_5.

SAP recommends that you also set the OLDSYBASE, and OLDSYBASE_OCS environment variables to point to the older version installation of Adaptive Server, so the upgrade utility that you run from the new $SYBASE directory automatically populates input fields with the correct information as you upgrade.

Source SYBASE.csh before running sqlupgrade if you have not already so.

Make sure your old server is running. If the server you are upgrading is not running, sqlupgrade prompts you to start the server.

  1. Verify that you have backed up databases, devices, and so on, and click Next.
  2. Enter:
  3. Enter the name of the old Sybase directory and the old Adaptive Server directory, then click OK.
  4. From the list of server names, select the server to upgrade, and click OK.
  5. Enter the password for the "sa" login, then click OK.
  6. Specify an upgrade option, then click OK. sqlupgrade performs a preupgrade to verify that your current server meets the requirements for upgrade to the new version.

    If your current server fails the preupgrade, fix the problem based on the information from the results of the test.

  7. Click OK to upgrade your server.

    You see the Status Output window, which shows the completion status and informational messages about the upgrade process.

    Warning!   Do not interrupt the upgrade, connect to Adaptive Server, or run any stored procedures while the upgrade is in progress.
    You can also check progress by viewing the sqlupgrade log in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/init/logs/sqlupgradeMMDD.NNN, where:
    • MM – is the month.
    • DD – is the date.
    • NNN – is a three-digit number identifying the srvbuild server upgrade session.

    After all preupgrade checks are successful, sqlupgrade shuts the old server down, then starts the new Adaptive Server dataserver binary on the old master device.

When the upgrade succeeds, you can:
  • Click OK to specify another server to upgrade, or
  • Exit sqlupgrade, and go to Post-upgrade tasks.
The upgrade process:
  • Creates the RUN_servername file, which contains the information required to restart the server

  • Runs the installmaster script to create system procedures

To verify that the upgrade was successful, log in to the server and run:
  • select @@version – Adaptive Server should return 15.7 SP100.
  • sp_configure "upgrade version" – Adaptive Server should return 15000.