Reenabling Auditing

If the server you are upgrading from was configured for auditing, reenable auditing in the upgraded server.

  1. using this command to reenable auditing:
    sp_configure 'auditing', 1
  2. Installing system stored procedures of old version drops audit information about the system stored procedures. Reenable auditing for all system stored procedures for which auditing was enabled before the upgrade.
    1. Use the output of sp_displayaudit recorded during pre-upgrade to help determine the system stored procedures for which auditing was enabled.
    2. Reenter the audit options using sp_audit. For example, if you had enabled stored procedure auditing for sp_addlogin stored procedure in your server before upgrade, run sp_audit to reenable auditing on sp_addlogin:
      sp_audit "exec_procedure", "all", "sp_addlogin", "on"