Syntax Examples for Upgrading Compiled Objects

Look here for examples of how to upgrade compiled objects.

Syntax Description of what it does
dbcc upgrade_object
Upgrades all compiled objects in the active database
dbcc upgrade_object(listdb, 'procedure')
Upgrades all stored procedures in the listdb database. Single quotes are used around procedure because set quoted identifiers is on.
dbcc upgrade_object(listdb, "rule")
Upgrades all rules and check constraints in the listdb database. Double quotes are used around rule because set quoted identifiers is off.
dbcc upgrade_object(listdb, list_proc)
Upgrades all stored procedures named list_proc in the listdb database.
dbcc upgrade_object(listdb, 
Upgrades the stored procedure list_proc, which is owned by the login “jkarrik”.
dbcc upgrade_object(master, 
Returns an error because the value of dbname is master and the value of database is listdb. These values must match.