Commit a Local Site to a New Version Level

After you upgrade a Replication Server and its user databases, you must decide whether to commit to the new Replication Server version level. Decide whether to set the replication site version to the new version and whether to upgrade the route version to the new version.

The system version is the version of the replication system. Set the system version at the ID Server with sysadmin system_version.

In a replication system that includes Replication Server versions 12.6 through 15.7.1 SP200, and for which the site version is set to its software release level and the system version is 1260 or higher, each Replication Server can use all the features of its release. Such a system is called a mixed-version system.

However, in a mixed-version system, interaction between Replication Servers of different version levels is limited, and information associated with new features may not be available to Replication Servers of earlier versions. Replication Servers of the same version can exchange full information about the software features they support.

If, for example, you are upgrading to version 15.7.1 SP200, you can use new Replication Server features that interact with other Replication Servers only if all these conditions are true:

See sysadmin system_version in the Reference Manual.

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Preparing to Upgrade