RSSD Device

The RSSD device is the Adaptive Server database device where rs_init creates the Replication Server RSSD.

Therefore, choose a database device other than the default master device, that has the minimum amount of space required. Use sp_helpdevice to list the available devices.
Note: rs_init by default uses a minimum of 40MB for the database size, and 16MB for the RSSD log size.
Select one of the following if the Adaptive Server does not have a device available for the RSSD:

If you want rs_init to create the device, verify that the Windows System Administrator account can create the file you specify and that there is sufficient disk space for the file. Execute sp_configure devices in Adaptive Server to verify that the value for devices is high enough to allow you to add a new device. See the Adaptive Server Enterprise System Administration Guide for information about device requirements.