Adding the SSL Driver to the Driver Configuration File

Add the SSL driver to the Open Client/Server™ driver configuration file.

Replication Server uses the libtcl.cfg file to map security mechanism names to security driver file names. The default location is %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_OCS%\ini\libtcl.cfg.

To add the SSL driver to the configuration file:

  1. Open the libtcl.cfg file from its default location. SSL driver names are listed in the [FILTERS] section of libtcl.cfg:
    filter = driver
    • filter – specifies the local name for the security mechanism.
    • driver – is the file name for the driver. A sample entry for SSL is:
      ssl =
    For more information about configuring libtcl.cfg for security drivers, see “Configuring libtcl.cfg” in Chapter 8, “Managing Replication Server Security” in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1.