Connection profiles

Replication Server 15.2 includes connection profiles that you use to connect to non-ASE data servers. Connection profiles contain or install these components:

Datatype definitions

Datatype definitions assign a unique datatype ID to each datatype, and describe the attributes of each non-ASE datatype, such as delimiters, length, scale, precision, minimum and maximum values, how it is represented using native Replication Server datatypes. Replication Server uses datatype definitions to:

Replication Server support objects

Replication Server relies on a replicate database to maintain some of the operational data that Replication Server needs to replicate to that database.

Non-ASE support accommodates the Replication Server replicate database requirements by creating two tables in the replicate database:

Replication Server function strings

Function strings allow users to customize the database operations sent by the replicate Replication Server to the replicate database. Non-ASE support uses function strings to replace invocations of stored procedures and certain database commands that the replicate Replication Server sends to the replicate database.

The function strings required to support connections to non-ASE data servers are installed in the RSSD of the replicate Replication Server.

Class-level translations for non-ASE datatypes

Connection profiles provide default datatype-to-datatype mappings, called class-level translations.

Connection profiles provide a function-string class for each supported database server. The class-level translations are specific to each function-string class that supports a non-Sybase replicate database.