Enabling Password Encryption for a Replication Server

Enable password encryption for a Replication Server using rs_init.

rs_init creates a new configuration file that contains encrypted passwords for the Replication Server. rs_init encrypts the passwords in the rs_users and rs_maintusers system tables.

  1. Log in as the “sybase” user and change to the installation directory.
  2. Start rs_init. Enter:
    You see the RS_INIT menu.
  3. Select Configure a Server Product.
  4. Select Replication Server.
  5. Select Enable Password Encryption for a Replication Server.
  6. Enter:
    • Name of the Replication Server for which you want to enable password encryption.
    • Login name for the Replication Server with “sa” user.
    • Password for the Replication Server “sa” user.
    • Full path for the Replication Server configuration file.
  7. Press Ctrl+A to save your changes. rs_init displays:
    Execute the Replication Server tasks now?
  8. Enter “y” to enable encryption.
    rs_init shuts down the Replication Server and encrypts the passwords in the Replication Server configuration file and in the rs_users and rs_maintusers system tables.

    Replication Server 'rs_name' can now be restarted.

  9. Press Return. rs_init displays:
    Configuration tasks completed successfully.
  10. Press Return. You see the Configure Replication System screen.
  11. Press Ctrl+C and enter “y” to exit rs_init.
  12. Restart the Replication Server and any connected Replication Agents.
  13. Delete the backup of the Replication Server configuration file.
Note: The backup file contains unencrypted passwords, so you should remove that file to protect your replication system security. However, you may first want to make a hard copy or offline backup of the file and store it in a safe place.

The backup file has the same name as the Replication Server configuration file, but the extension is changed to a three-digit number such as “001.” The file with the highest extension number is the most recent backup file.