Replication Server Interfaces Information

Use the Replication Server interfaces information of the worksheet to record information that defines the network port where Replication Server listens for connections. Each entry in the interfaces file is called a listener service.

Note: If you are using network-based security, available with version 11.5 or later, use the directory services of your network security mechanism to register Replication Servers, Adaptive Servers, and gateway software. See the documentation that comes with your network-security mechanism for details.

These are the worksheet fields:

Field Description
Hostname/address (Required) The name of the machine that is running Replication Server. If the machine has more than one host name or IP address, enter the name or address associated with the network you want to use.
Port (Required) Choose a port number between 1025 and 65535 that is not in use on the machine. Check the /etc/services directory or use the netstat command to find out which port numbers are in use.
Name alias (Required) On networks that allow multiple protocols, you can use a name alias to distinguish listener services. An alias is a nickname for a Replication Server. You cannot use the alias for any other server on the network.