Compiling a CSA

Sybase supplies the CSA stub programs as both load modules and object code, so use the example appropriate for your site. The stub libraries are provided on the Open ClientConnect API.

Compile and link-edit the CSA source code using the standard methods for command-level CICS programs.

NoteEach time you link-edit, you must also perform a CICS NEWCOPY.

NoteThe Open ClientConnect CSA stub library must be included in the SYSLIB concatenation sequence of the LNKEDT step. The CSA must be linked so it runs in extended storage (that is, AMODE(31) RMODE(ANY)).

CSAs must be linked above the 16MB line in 31-bit addressing mode. To do this, include a JCL statement similar to the following:


The concatenation sequence for SYSLIB in the link-edit step must include a data definition (DD) statement for the stub library, either in load module format or in object code format.