Sending ASCII-formatted data

To send ASCII data to an RSP, you use this command syntax:

USE PROCEDURE WITH DATA rspname [keywords or variable text];

ASCII data records

The following list describes the previous syntax:

This is an example of ASCII-formatted data:

521-44-3201  JOHN SMITH             1991-04-16 00004 012.25
 521-56-4368  JERRY GREEN            1987-11-02 00001 018.75
 522-63-7188  SALLY JONES            1988-09-21 00002 015.00
 521-44-3201  BILL SMITH             1981-12-16 00004 012.25
 521-56-4368  GEORGE BROWN           1986-05-24 00001 018.75
 522-63-7188  KATHY JOHNSON          1987-09-19 00002 015.00