Structure of the basic loop

Most synchronous Client-Library programs process results using a loop controlled by ct_results. Inside the loop, a switch takes place on the type of result that is currently available for processing, as indicated by the value of ct_results’ parameter result_type. Different types of results require different types of processing.

result_type is also used to indicate the outcome of a server command that returns no results, for example, an insert or delete command.

Most synchronous applications use a program structure similar to the following one to process results:

 while ct_results returns CS_SUCCEED
     (optional) ct_res_info to get current 
         command number
     switch on result_type
         ** Values of result_type that indicate 
         ** fetchable results:
         case CS_COMPUTE_RESULT...
         case CS_CURSOR_RESULT...
         case CS_PARAM_RESULT...
         case CS_ROW_RESULT...
         case CS_STATUS_RESULT...
         ** Values of result_type that indicate
         ** non-fetchable results:
         case CS_COMPUTEFMT_RESULT...
         case CS_MSG_RESULT...
         case CS_ROWFMT_RESULT...
         case CS_DESCRIBE_RESULT...
         ** Other values of result_type:
         case CS_CMD_DONE...
             (optional) ct_res_info to get the
                 number of rows affected by
                 the current command
         case CS_CMD_FAIL...
         case CS_CMD_SUCCEED...
     end switch
 end while
 switch on ct_results’ final return code
     case CS_END_RESULTS...
     case CS_CANCELED...
     case CS_FAIL...
 end switch