Header file

Before you precompile the programs, edit the sample header file as described below, and replace the user name and password with values that are valid for your Adaptive Server. Comments in the programs show where you should make the changes.

All of the sample programs reference the sample header file, sybsqlex.h. The contents of sybsqlex.h are as follows:

 *                                                *
 *  sybsqlex.h - header file for Embedded SQL/C   *
 *examples                                        *
 *                                                *
 #define USER     "username"
 #define PASSWORD "password"
 #define ERREXIT -1
 #define STDEXIT  0

All of the samples contain this line:

#include "sybsqlex.h"

USER and PASSWORD are defined in sybsqlex.h as user name and password. Before running the sample programs, edit sybsqlex.h to change the user name to your Adaptive Server login name and “password” to your Adaptive Server password.