
When srv_sleep is used in preemptive mode using a mutex, the corresponding srv_wakeup routine must be preceded by a request for the same mutex. This ensures that the sleeping thread is ready for srv_wakeup to be executed. This code fragment shows how srv_wakeup must be preceded by a request for the mutex when it is used in preemptive mode:

 ** Loop forever, logging language text. srv_getmsg will cause  
 ** this thread to be suspended until a message is available on 
 ** the log_request message queue. 
 while((get_status = srv_getmsgq(msgqid, &log_request,  
         SRV_M_WAIT, &info)) == CS_SUCCEED) 
      ** Do the logging here.
     ** Request the mutex to make sure the sender 
     ** has called srv_sleep. 
     if (WaitForSingleObject(Mutex,INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
         ** Wake up the thread that is waiting for the language  
         ** text to be logged. 
         srv_wakeup(log_request, SRV_M_WAKE_FIRST, (CS_VOID*)0, (CS_VOID*)0); 
     ** Release the mutex. 
     if (!ReleaseMutex(Mutex))