Testing sample programs

Before you run any of the sample programs:

  1. Verify that you can access the Adaptive Server that is configured for remote access. To do this, log in to the Adaptive Server and enter:

    execute sp_configure

    If the Adaptive Server has already been configured for remote access, the config_value and run_value columns for the “remote access” option must be 1. If config_value is 0, enter:

    execute sp_configure ‘remote access’, 1
  2. Make sure that an entry for your Open Server name exists in the sql.ini file or the Windows registry file. Use the dsedit utility to create an entry in the sql.ini file or the Windows registry file. For more information about dsedit, see Open Client and Open Server Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows.

  3. Make sure your Open Server name exists in the Adaptive Server sysservers table. To check this, log in to Adaptive Server and enter:

    execute sp_helpserver

    This command lists all the servers that are available in the Adaptive Server sysservers table. If the name of your Open Server does not appear in this list, enter:

    execute sp_addserver your_open_server_name
  4. Set these environment variables, if not already set:

    Environment variable



    Location of the Sybase home directory.


    Name of the Open Server application as listed in the sql.ini file or directory service.


    Name of the Open Server as listed in the sql.ini file or directory service.