SQLCA structure


A SQLCA structure can be used in conjunction with ct_diag to retrieve Client-Library and server error and informational messages.

A SQLCA structure is defined as follows:

             /* SQL Communication Area - SQLCA */
     typedef struct sqlca
     unsigned char  sqlcaid[8];     /* Eyecatcher = ‘SQLCA’ */
     long           sqlcabc;        /* SQLCA size in bytes = 136 */
     long           sqlcode;        /* SQL return code */
     short          sqlerrml;       /* Length for SQLERRMC */
     unsigned char  sqlerrmc[256];  /* Error message tokens */
     unsigned char  sqlerrp[8];     /* Diagnostic information */
     long           sqlerrd[6];     /* Diagnostic information */
     unsigned char  sqlwarn[8];     /* Warning flags */
     unsigned char  sqlext[8];      /* Reserved */
   } SQLCA;

Description of arguments in SQLCA structure