Test Windows-to-mainframe connectivity

To test connectivity from the Windows workstation to the z/OS mainframe, use one of the following (the information requested is located on your worksheet).

For LU 6.2 connectivity to the CICS mainframe, using snaping

For testing connectivity to the CICS region, use the snaping utility. Enter this command using the values defined previously and recorded on your worksheet as ConnectionSpec1, ConnectionSpec2, and ConnectionSpec3:

snaping -CConnectionSpec1 -RConnectionSpec2 -MConnectionSpec3 -Uhostuserid 

Use the values for these configuration properties found in a service that has ConnectionProtocol=lu62 in this subdirectory: $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ECON/server_name/cfg/db2.cfg

An example of successful snaping output:

C:\sql10\bin>snaping -C LOCAL -R DWMCI410 -M MVSMODE -U DWMD33 -P GOODHART
Sybase SNAPING (snaping/3.0.1/P/PC Intel/Windows 3.51/1/OPT/Mar 17 10:00:00 2007)
Verify LU 6.2 connectivity with a host transaction. A connection may be specified individually, or an entire configuration can be verified using the configuration file created by the Sybase Net Gateway.
This program is intended to be run against the CICS transaction SYI1.
Usage:  snaping [-C Local_LU -R Partner_LU -M Modename]
                [-T Host_Tran_id] [-U userid [-P password]]
                [-L Connection_file]
Defaults are:   Connection file  - %SYBASE%\[%DSQUERY%].cid
                Host Transaction - SYI1
                Userid and Password - Null
Allocating to SYI1 on DWMCI410 using LOCAL with mode MVSMODE...Ok
       Sending data...Ok
       Waiting for response...Received data 194 bytes.
       <Received 000000000000026 bytes total from userid: DWMD33  . Version SYGWCICC//310GA BU/P       /MVS
/ESA 4.2  /09/12/96    14.44    SYGWCICS/310 EBF /P       /z/OS R1.2  /05/19/9               >
       Normal Deallocate
Test complete

If you receive an error or you need additional information about how to use the snaping utility, refer to Appendix B, “Validating Connectivity.”

For TCP/IP connectivity to the CICS mainframe, using cicsping

For testing TCP/IP connectivity to a CICS region, enter the following command using the values defined previously and recorded on your worksheet as ConnectionSpec1 and ConnectionSpec2 (items 2a and 2b):

cicsping -HConnectionSpec1 -NConnectionSpec2 -Uhostuserid -Phostpassword

Use the values for these configuration properties found in a service that has ConnectionProtocol=tcpip in this subdirectory: $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ECON/server_name/cfg/db2.cfg

An example of successful cicsping output:

C:\sql10\bin>cicsping -H sungard -N 3020
Sybase (CICSPING/3.0.1/P/PC Intel/Windows 3.51/1/OPT/Mar 17 10:00:00 PST 1997)
Verify TCP/IP connectivity to a CICS region. A host and port may be specified individually, or an entire configuration can be verified using the region definition file created by the Sybase MSG.
Usage:  cicsping [-H hostname -N portnumber ]
                 [-T Host_Tran_id] [-U userid  [-P password]]
Defaults are:   Region file  - %SYBASE%\[%DSQUERY%].reg
                Host Transaction - SYPG
                Userid and password - Null
Testing host sungard, port 3020
        gethostbyname ok
        connect to CICS listener ok
        transaction started by listener ok
        test message sent ok
        Reply from host transaction:
VERSION STRING = SYGWTCPS/310 EBF /P       /z/OS R1.2  /05/19/97    10.55
ECHO DATA = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
        test completed in 1071ms

If you receive an error, or you need additional information on how to use the cicsping utility, refer to Appendix B, “Validating Connectivity,” or to vendor documentation for your connectivity protocol.