To map an RPC that returns a result set as an ASE table

The following example maps the Oracle procedure rset_rpc_ex as an ASE table with its input parameters mapped as columns, as described in the ASE documentation:

create existing table rset_rpc_tab
(id_num int,
name varchar(30),
phone varchar(20) null,
birthdate smalldatetime null,
_c1 smalldatetime null,
_c2 smalldatetime null)
external procedure
at 'DCSERVER.dco_rpc_pkg..rset_rpc_ex'

select id_num, name, phone, birthdate from rset_rpc_tab
where _c1 = 'jan 01 1940' and _c2 = 'jan 01 1970'
id_num      name                           phone
----------- ------------------------------ --------------------
3 Carl Winkerbean                603-231-4123
Aug  9 1947 12:00AM 
5 John Smith                     607-789-0123
Nov  9 1963 12:00AM 
(2 rows affected)