Known Issues for the WCF Services

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for the WCF services in PowerBuilder .NET.

WCF Services Issues
CR# Description
697983 Remote deployment fails when the remote server is running Windows 7.

The error message reads: Could not find file "...\pbxxxx.tmp.txt."

672164 WCF service will not build if a parent NVO has non-public members.

If the function name is the same as the property name, there is an error Csc: Error CS0103 n_parent (17,11): The name 'pbp_p_protected_get' does not exist in the current context and the WCF service does not build.

667433 WCF service attribute settings lost after opening a Beta project.

If you open a WCF service project that was created in a Beta build of PowerBuilder .NET, all attribute settings are lost. Reset the attributes.

663912 WCF service fails to invoke a specific function.

A WCF service with an enum causes the error Underlying connection is closed.