Known Issues for Split Assemblies

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for split assemblies in PowerBuilder .NET.

Split Assembly Issues
CR# Description
657114 Running the full build process after making changes in the scripts does not automatically trigger the dependency check.

There may be build errors if there are potential dependency errors.

Workaround: Run a manual dependency check if the changes might affect the dependency result.

647772 Split assembly dependency check error for global external functions.

When you run a dependency check on a project with split assemblies, there is a dependency error on the lines calling global external functions. To avoid this, refactor by replacing the global external functions with local external functions.

644570 The executable is not created if a PBL contains an application object going into a split assembly.

The output assembly has a red border and tooltip indication if there is a duplicated name (assembly and executable). Also, the name is ignored when it is saved.

If the PBL has the same name as the executable file, then by default the DLL is filtered out of the Output Assembly list.