Known Issues for WPF Inheritance

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for inheritance in PowerBuilder .NET.

WPF Inheritance Issues
CR# Description
697229 You cannot switch to customized Constructor events in a CVUO's descendant.

When you inherit from a custom nonvisual class in a referenced PB assembly, the nonvisual class has several customized Constructor events. In the descendants, you cannot select the Constructor from the event list and then switch to the +Constructor(…) event. If you continue to inherit from the descendant, the customized Constructor events are lost in the script painter’s event list.

624278 Deleting ancestor menu items can cause descendant menus to fail integrity check.

When you delete a menu item in an ancestor menu, the Object Integrity Failure dialog box sometimes appears when you try to open the descendant menu, and the descendant menu may be blank if you subsequently open it in the Menu painter.

Workaround: Click OK in the Object Integrity Failure dialog box, then select PowerScript Editor in the Open With dialog box. The editor highlights the deleted menu item in source code with a straight red underline. If you comment out or delete all Type ... End Type and On ... End On clauses containing the underlined menu item, you can open the descendant menu again in the Menu painter.