Known Issues for Migration

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for the migration to PowerBuilder .NET.

Migration Issues
CR# Description
634087 OLE controls can be migrated but not added or edited.

You can migrate a PowerBuilder Classic application with OLE controls to a WPF application in PowerBuilder .NET. You cannot add or edit OLE controls in the migrated application. Editing controls in the XAML view may cause a full build error (for example, copying and pasting OLE controls in the XAML view).

621806 Blank area appears in MDI windows after migration.

In PowerBuilder Classic, the toolbar for an MDI or MDIHelp window occupies an otherwise empty space in the client area of the window. In PowerBuilder .NET, the space occupied by the toolbar is not part of the client area, so when you migrate MDI windows, the space previously occupied by the toolbar appears blank.

Workaround: After migration, move the controls in MDI windows to cover the client area previously occupied by the toolbar.