Known Issues for .NET Language Enhancements

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for the .NET language enhancements in PowerBuilder.

.NET Language Enhancement Issues
CR# Description
649531 You can connect a PowerBuilder event or function to a .NET event only if it was defined outside of PowerBuilder.

.NET events are different from PB events: a .NET event is a delegate instance, while a PB event is a method that can be used as a handler of a .NET event. You can define a .NET event only outside of PowerBuilder. To learn which .NET events are in a third-party control or regular .NET class, check the metadata using .NET reflection tool or a related document.

620924 Deleting parameterized constructor does not remove inherited constructor in child object.

If you extend a parameterized constructor by adding code to it in a child object, then delete the parameterized constructor in the parent object, the child object source code still contains a hidden system-generated script that calls the deleted parent constructor. This leads to a compile failure.