Known Issues for the WPF Debugger

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for the WPF Debugger.

WPF Debugger Issues
CR# Description
676190 The debugger does not display value tips for shared variables.

For shared variables, expressions like this are evaluated:


This is satisfactory for the watch window. But for tooltips, function calls are not accepted. Change GetInstance to a GetProperty.

661095 Breakpoints not found in objects of same name in different targets

If there are two objects with the same name in different targets, and you attempt to go to a breakpoint in one of the objects, the debugger cannot open the correct source code and go to the correct breakpoint. This is a limitation of editing source code at the level of routines instead of as files.

637697 Array expressions in PowerBuilder .NET Debugger Watch view

The PowerBuilder .NET Debugger Watch view cannot evaluate an expression that includes an array.

620549 Zero-based arrays not shown correctly in debugger.

The debugger incorrectly displays zero-based object arrays used by some Web services.

620068 Go To Source Code works only for single target.

In some debugger windows, you can select a breakpoint and use the Go To Source Code command to open the source code at that breakpoint. This command works incorrectly for a breakpoint in a PowerBuilder .NET workspace that has multiple PowerBuilder .NET targets.

616269 Incorrect CheckBox control properties in QuickWatch window.

The QuickWatch window displays some CheckBox control properties incorrectly.

614864 Unwanted temporary variables in debugger output.

Temporary variables that do not exist in the application code (for example, __PB_TEMP_DB__OutputVars0), may appear in some debugger windows.

Workaround: You can safely ignore these temporary variables.

610237 Cursor stops twice for FOR...NEXT statements.

If you set a breakpoint immediately prior to a FOR...NEXT statement, then issue successive Step Into commands, the WPF Debugger cursor stops twice at the line with the FOR clause.