Overview of Bulk-Library

Bulk-Library/C provides routines that allow Client-Library and Server-Library applications to use the Adaptive Server bulk-copy interface.

The Adaptive Server bulk copy interface allows high-speed transfer of data between a client application’s program variables and the server’s database tables. It provides an alternative to the use of the SQL insert and select commands to transfer data.

Administrators can perform bulk copy using the bcp utility; programmers can use Bulk-Library to create customized bulk-copy tools. Bulk-Library also provides the necessary routines to enable bulk-copy support in an Open Server gateway application.

Bulk copy of encrypted columns is supported if Adaptive Server supports encrypted columns.

NoteThe Bulk-Library/C routines are for use with Open Client Client-Library and Open Server Server-Library applications. DB-Library™ provides its own bulk-copy interface, which is documented in the Open Client DB-Library/C Reference Manual.