Types of threads

As an application designer, you can use multiple threads to allow different parts of a program to execute concurrently.

In some cases, Open Server threads may actually be implemented using native threads. However, an Open Server application always manages thread operations by calling Server-Library routines, even when Open Server is using a native-thread implementation. In this document, the term native thread always refers to a thread created directly by an application call to a system routine.Note that native threads are not available on all platforms. In addition, some platforms may be able to use the DCE pthread library even though the operating system does not supply system-level threads. For these platforms, a version of Client-Library library files may be provided for use with DCE threads. See the Open Client and Open Server Programmers Supplement for your platform .The Open Client and Open Server Programmers Supplement for your platform contains important platform-specific information on using Client-Library with the thread interface available on your system.