Have restorable cursor-open command

CS_HAVE_CUROPEN determines whether an application may restore a previously executed ct_cursor cursor-open command batch. The property is read-only, and CS_TRUE indicates the presence of a restorable cursor-open command batch.

An application restores a cursor-open command by calling ct_cursor. See “Restoring a cursor-open command” for an explanation of this feature.

An open cursor must be closed before the cursor-open command can be restored. CS_HAVE_CUROPEN indicates that Client-Library saved the command information for the original cursor-open command. It does not indicate that the application can legally reopen the cursor while the cursor is in its current state.

The CS_CUR_STATUS property tells an application the current state (if any) of the cursor declared on a command structure. See “Cursor status” for a description of this property.

Applications that restore cursor-open commands may benefit from setting the CS_STICKY_BINDS property to reuse the bindings that were established while processing the results from the original execution of the command. See “Persistent result bindings” for a description of this property.