Setting and retrieving properties

An application calls ct_config, ct_con_props, and ct_cmd_props to set and retrieve Client-Library properties at the context, connection, and command structure levels, respectively. An application calls cs_config to set and retrieve CS-Library context properties.

When a connection structure is allocated, it picks up default property values from its parent context. For example, if CS_TEXTLIMIT is set to 16,000 at the context level, then any connection created within this context will have a default text limit value of 16,000. Likewise, when a command structure is allocated, it picks up default property values from its parent connection.

An application overrides a default property value by calling cs_config, ct_config, ct_con_props, or ct_cmd_props to change the value of the property.

Most properties’ values are set or retrieved by an application, but some properties are “retrieve only.”