Error and message handling

After initialization, Client-Library applications must handle two types of error and informational messages:

Adaptive Server stores the text of its messages in the sysmessages system table. See the Adaptive Server Enterprise Reference Manual for a description of this table.

See the Open Server Server-Library/C Reference Manual for a list of Open Server messages.

NoteDo not confuse Client-Library and server messages with a result set of type CS_MSG_RESULT. Client-Library and server messages are the means through which Client-Library and the server communicate error and informational conditions to an application. An application accesses Client-Library and server messages either through message callback routines or inline, using ct_diag. A message result set, on the other hand, is one of several types of result sets that a server may return to an application. An application processes a result set of type CS_MSG_RESULT by calling ct_res_info to get the message’s ID.