Have bindings

CS_HAVE_BINDS tells whether any saved result bindings are present for the current result set. This property is retrieved with ct_cmd_props.

CS_HAVE_BINDS is always used with the CS_STICKY_BINDS property. Some batch-processing applications that repeatedly execute the same command on a CS_COMMAND structure may set the CS_STICKY_BINDS command property so that Client-Library saves result bindings in between executions of the same command. These applications check the CS_HAVE_BINDS property to see whether saved bindings are in place for the current result set. A value of CS_ TRUE indicates that one or more program variables are bound to one or more items in the current result set.

See “Persistent result bindings” for a description of the CS_STICKY_BINDS property.

CS_HAVE_BINDS is guaranteed to be accurate after ct_results indicates the presence of fetchable data on a command structure.