Retry count

CS_RETRY_COUNT specifies the number of times that ct_connect retries the sequence of network addresses associated with a server name. The default is 0.

The CS_LOOP_DELAY specifies the delay, in seconds, that ct_connect waits before retrying the entire sequence of addresses. See “Loop delay”.

CS_LOOP_DELAY and CS_RETRY_COUNT affect only the establishment of a login dialog. Once Client-Library has found an address where a server responds, the login dialog between Client-Library and the server begins. Client-Library does not retry any other addresses if the login attempt fails.

Addresses are associated with server names either in a network-based directory or the Sybase interfaces file. For more information, see the Open Client and Open Server Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows or Open Client and Open Server Configuration Guide for UNIX.

On UNIX platforms, a server’s interfaces file entry can be configured to override application-specified settings for CS_RETRY_COUNT and CS_LOOP_DELAY. For more information, see the Open Client and Open Server Configuration Guide for UNIX.