Directory callbacks

The ct_ds_lookup routine and the application’s directory callback provide the mechanism which an application uses to examine the contents of directory entries.

When an application calls ct_ds_lookup to begin a directory search, Client-Library retrieves the appropriate entries from the directory and then calls the directory callback once for each entry. Each time the callback is invoked, it receives a pointer to one directory object structure. Each directory object structure contains a copy of information read from a directory entry.

Client-Library calls the directory callback once for each entry retrieved, as long as the callback returns CS_CONTINUE. When the callback returns CS_SUCCEED, Client-Library discards any remaining objects that the callback has not received.

The directory callback calls only the Client-Library routines ct_con_props, ct_config, ct_ds_objinfo, and ct_ds_dropobj. On an asynchronous connection, the application uses the completion callback to call other Client-Library routines (see Table 2-2).