Access to Distributed Datasources

An example of access to distributed datasources.


A broker for a securities company receives a call from a customer. The broker client application immediately shows the customer profile based on the telephone number of the caller. This data is stored in the Oracle database at the local work group’s office in Memphis and is updated through ECDA Option for Oracle. Real-time feeds from outside the system are stored in DB2 UDB on a zSeries host located in New York and are accessed by ECDA Option for ODBC. Client inquiries regarding other investments and current prices need to be queried off the zSeries host and shown within the broker client application.

Sybase Components

To set up transparent access to heterogeneous data stores, the securities company uses:

This combination of components gives the securities company access to heterogeneous data stores.

Sample Scenario

Access to Distributed Datasources

The figure is explained fully within the text.

The client application sends a request through Adaptive Server/Component Integration Services (CIS) and ECDA Option for Oracle to an Oracle database, which returns data or a message to the client. It also sends a request through Adaptive Server/CIS and ECDA Option for ODBC to a DB2 UDB for zSeries database, which returns data or a message to the client.